Eske Rex’s “Drawing Machine”

Eske Rex is a Copenhagen-based artist who explores the values of craft and design through his novel sculptures and installations. Most notable of his work is his “Drawing Machine”, a man-powered mechanism fitted with weights and pendulums that produces giant spirograph drawings. Rex aimed to analyze the potential for a machine to function as a sculpture and installation, and as an investigation into the relationship between time and movement.

Drawing Machine. Wood, metal, concrete, venyl, ballpen. 650 x 650 x 300 cm.

The drawing machine is constructed as two nine-foot tall pyramid-shaped pendulums that may be weighted to produce bigger or smaller circles. The structures are connected at a point where a ball-point pen is affixed atop a piece of paper; once triggered by hand, the pendulums begin to swing and continue to do so for however long each others’ kinetic energy lasts. The images produced can be up to nine by nine feet in size and, due to the nature of being powered by hand, no two images are alike.


Wöhlk, Nina. “On Rex’s Works In General.” 2015

“Drawing Machine.” 3 October, 2009.

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